Unlock your career potential with personalized career coaching, designed to help you excel and navigate your path with confidence and clarity.
Assessment of Personality, Interests, Values, & Skills
Exploration of Various Occupations and Career Paths
Resume Writing, Cover Letter Writing, and Mock Interviews
LinkedIn Review, Networking Strategies, and Career Empowerment
Ideal for individuals who are looking to discover their personality type, understand their preferences, and identify potential growth areas. Sessions are designed to help with both career and personal development.
How It Works
Take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): You'll start by completing the MBTI, a trusted and widely used personality inventory.
Personalized Feedback Session: During our session, we'll discuss your MBTI results in detail. You'll receive a comprehensive report that explains your personality type, preferences, and potential growth areas.
Actionable Insights: Together, we'll explore how your personality type influences various aspects of your life, including your career, relationships, and personal development.
Ideal for organizations and groups between 5 - 1,000 members to foster team building and improve communication. Sessions are designed to help teams enhance understanding and appreciation of diverse work styles, creating a more cohesive and effective team dynamic.
How It Works
Take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Each team member will start by completing the MBTI on their own.
Group Feedback Session: We come together for an interactive group session to explore how different personality types interact within the team.
Actionable Insights: We'll provide practical strategies to improve team dynamics and enhance communication.